Know Thyself

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October 2, 2015 @ 10:00 am – October 4, 2015 @ 6:00 pm
Modern Mystery School Europe
Martina Ruddock

School of AthensKnow Thyself



Above the doorway of all the ancient Mystery Schools, the following words are carved in stone: KNOW THYSELF.



Exploring the unlimited treasure within is the key to finding joy, your purpose, serving a higher cause, and leading a fulfilling life.



This 2nd step Initiation KNOW THYSELF is for all those who want to deepen their journey after the Empower Thyself Class & Initiation. This starts the journey to learn about service and this 3-day journey is really about the first step towards service which is service to self: inviting yourself on an exploratory 3-day week-end to explore the depths of who you are.



You will be navigated by a Know Thyself Guide Team on a journey to discover you, and you will receive the 2nd Step Initiation, which is the KEY to even more empowerment, light, connection to the Divine and the ability to fulfill your life purpose.



The 2nd Step Initiation gives you access to 100x more Empowerment, greater connection to God & Divinity, greater Abundance & greater Protection.



Investment: To be confirmed

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