Sacred Geometry 1 LONDON

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April 13, 2018 @ 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Julia Tiffin's Practice London
106 Cambridge Gardens, London W10 6HT
Julia Tiffin
+27 84 680 6029 (What's App)

Sacred Geometry 1


Sacred Geometry 1 - Julia Tiffin 03THE FIRST IN THE SACRED GEOMETRY SERIES


Do you want to learn the language of God?


Do you want to learn how to align your mind with the frequencies of creation?


Do you want to know how to seal your space with holy and sacred energy using only your own body as a tool?


Experience the sacred geometries that are the foundation for creation. Move beyond theoretical information and learn to feel the energy of these symbols that connect you to God and the Universe. Walk away with tools that will imbue your space with the highest vibrations and learn how to seal your work & home spaces with this energy.


You will learn how to create an energetic Temple in any space where you can connect to your deepest self and God. Merge deeply with these symbols as they open up gateways to your own soul and learn more about who you are. This is an ancient teaching preserved and handed down by the Modern Mystery School for over 3000 years in an unbroken lineage.


Venue: Flat 5 (first floor), 106 Cambridge Gardens, London, W10 6HT

Investment: £85

Duration: 5-6 hours

Pre-requisite: None

This class is a pre-requisite for The Healer’s Academy.

Please note it is best to give yourself integration time between this and the next Sacred Geometry class ?