Our vehicle is indeed a Temple, and through negative experiences, this sacred vehicle can become disrupted, we can get ‘lost’, lose a connection to ourself, where we are going and our purpose. After a negative event in our life, we can feel ‘out of sorts’, somehow out of alignment with ourselves. This can be because of a particular person or event that felt ‘negative’ that our sense of self seems disrupted, or you could feel after being in a particular space that you lost a sense of yourself.
The Sacred Cube of Space re-aligns your being and this brings your psychological space back into alignment. This deep healing re-centres you and re-aligns you with the system of energy you were born with to guide you through your life. It is a very positive experience.
You will also receive the Cherubim’s Healing as part of this complete healing experience.
Investment: £250
Session length: 1 hour 30mins