Julia Tiffin has 2 decades of experience in coaching people to find answers and new perspectives through listening deeply to the interplay between your spirit, soul, mind, heart and body. Her approach is multi-pronged and grounded. She will assist you to shift, to clarify what is best in alignment with your core, and to help you find solutions, find a course of action and to re-orientate where you want to direct your life. This approach is designed to align you to ‘your North Star’, your true compass while giving you practical tools and advice. Julia has honed her intuitive skills through continuous training in an ancient Mystery School since 2004 to be able to serve you to step into an empowered place in your life. She is also a specialist that understands the doorways death & grief offer in your life as well as the process of letting go of old versions of the self to re-invent yourself, and to live life alive!

Investment: £250 (plus recording). Payment click here.

Special Intuitive Coaching Package: 3 Sessions for £500 (plus recordings). Payment click here.

Preparation: Upon booking, there will be information you will receive to prepare for this session and to make the maximum benefit from this session. These session are 1-1.5 hours, depending on what is needed. The first session requires an extra consultation beforehand (all included) to understand your background.

Where: These sessions can be done in person (at Julia’s practices in London or Leigh-on-Sea, UK) or over Zoom.

You can read more about Julia in an interview here, and more information about Julia’s background can be found here.


I’m located in the USA but have had the pleasure of receiving a few distance intuitive coaching sessions with Julia. Julia’s guidance and support helped me navigate a transition in my life and I am forever grateful that I reached out to her- she is absolutely spot on with her intuition and has a depth of wisdom. I was able to apply her insights and suggestions from the readings into my life and have made significant changes for the better. I highly recommend Julia for healings and coaching, she is a truly a gem!

Christina H, Psychologist, Boston, USA

I have received both in person healing sessions and coaching from Julia since 2005. I reconnected after 10 years (during Covid) and was blown away with her level of understanding, growth, depth and abilities (since the last time I had worked with her). She knew exactly how to navigate me towards problem solving my unique dynamics. There is an economy in her insight that taps into uncommon wisdom and and a depth of perception that really hears what was really going on with me. I really felt seen and heard, and uncommonly her energy allowed me to leapfrog over my challenges. She has a unique gift of ‘collapsing timelines’ so progressive choices can be made in the here and now, to overcome a lengthy healing process.

David N, Nutritionist, Ottawa, Canada

I am so grateful for Julia’s ability to tap into insights that transcended my emotional logic. She opened my eyes to see perspectives that navigated me completely away from falling into the trap of being a victim, and towards an empowerment mentality. She effective expedited weeks (if not months) of pain and anguish and catapulted me towards healing and integrating a new mindset, not just for overcoming my challenge, but for life.

Su-Mari M, Vet, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The level of personal trauma that I had put myself through could’ve meant that I would have been in therapy for years, truely. The in-person healing sessions, training & coaching has effectively shaped my healing curve in a way I never knew was possible. It has set me on a path of empowerment and I embody this healing daily. It’s just remarkable, I have no words to even share how much I have been able to shift. I definitely put in the work, and used the tools and guidance to overcome my own negative programming, but without Julia’s guidance I would not be living the empowered, productive and joyful life I do! Although she has coached me, she truly has taught me to stand on my own two feet and truly go within and trust my intuition to make the right decisions. Today not only am I able to move forwards forging an amazing life, but she has shown me the seeds for how to do this for others! It has enchanted my own coaching and healing practice. I now hold space for others from a much more empowered, healed and safe space.

Jessica R, Chef & Wellness Coach, London, United Kingdom

I have immense gratitude for the fact that I have Julia in my life. Her ability to navigate me through the twists and turns of life is skilful, and often requires different approaches and insights. She always sees exactly what the root of the “problem” is, even when it’s convoluted and unclear. I have broken through so many barriers and limiting beliefs that no one in my high achieving and successful family has ever broken through. She hits me with a fresh and totally unexpected approach exactly when I need it but always holds me with grace and love. Her masterful coaching coupled with additional training and healing sessions I have received, has completely rerouted the trajectory of my (already good) life to be one of my dreams. She has mentored me to build a life of immense mental, emotional and financial freedom beyond what my supportive, helpful and loving upbringing did.

Jacqueline G, Psychologist & PhD candidate, London, United Kingdom

I have been working with Julia since 2006, and far from being dependent on her, she has empowered me to become sovereign inside of myself and to know my power and authority in the world. I can without question stand on my own two feet, but why I have received coaching from Julia over the years, is because she continues to grow herself and thus create a space for me to grow into an even more expanded space within myself. She has given me higher perspectives and practical advice and weaved these two together so I can ascertain where my life is showing me what opportunity for growth I am being presented with, when I am not able to see that for myself. I have had the privilege to receive in person training and healing sessions from Julia but I travel for work, so her virtual coaching sessions have been golden.

Tamara N, Manager, Cape Town, South Africa

Think of a creative genius with extraordinary psychic powers. Imagine a gifted artist extraordinaire with the astute perceptive skills and an unmatched aptitude for compassion and empathy. A warm and generous woman remarkably bright and brilliant and yet humble and down to earth.

Julia has been a teacher and a guide, a confidant, a sister, a wise woman and a healer. I am in constant awe and adoration of her generosity and eagerness with which she shares her gifts, and my gratitude has no limits, as I simply couldn’t imagine (wouldn’t want to!) what my life journey would be without her guidance and support. Words are inadequate, for the benefits are too immense. I thank Julia for illuminating my path, for all the validation, care, guidance and support, for always being there, for the unquestionable and committed loyalty and care, and for having my back. Working with Julia is like having a personal guardian Angel – and everyone deserves one.

Nadia A, Lawyer, London, United Kingdom