about the life activation, emotional cord cutting, purification by light and empower thyself

On the 7th of February 2007, I found myself lying on my shower floor trying to find meaning to the lesson we call life on earth. Days of not sleeping brought me to a point of begging the higher realms to help me exit this life. I had two boys ages 6 and 2 but found my life just had no meaning. Struggling, I picked myself up, dragged myself to the computer and started my Google search for help. I typed in a caption ‘Spiritual help needed, find me a saviour’ lol. Immediately Julia Tiffin at Julia Tiffin’s Practice popped up. I messaged her and within 20 mins received a response, ‘I am in Canada and will be back by 16 February can you hold on…’ It was the longest wait, but if I could wait l would find some sort of salvation… The Friday, of our appointment I walked through her door at 3pm and the magic of finding Spiritual help and profound teaching started… The journey of healing and inner child started and allowed me to find reason to make this Earthly contract work…Very soon I had most of my family activated to start healing generational issues within our family and awaken our gifts…14 years later Julia Tiffin is still my go-to person and has become a very dear friend to me through all my years of working with her… The saying when you ask the teacher will appear stands true, my Earthly guide and teacher resides in the avatar called Julia Tiffin.