My name is Brian and I met Julia through the Modern Mystery School. I had always thought energy work was rubbish, people seeing what they wanted to, until meeting Julia and another MMS practitioner. I still don’t see fairies or anything like that, but the results I’ve seen (whilst being a die-hard sceptic) have been ridiculous. What I tell everyone is that it’s easy to see results if you think something is going to work, but it’s an altogether different thing when you see staggering results despite not believing. My arms were messed up for almost three years, torn tendons, and then magically (no sarcasm) they got fixed when I went for an ensofic ray series with Julia. The psychological effects and self growth I have experienced are also unprecedented. She may be just human, but I’ve never met anyone as intuitive and empathic, I mostly trust her implicitly. (Die-hard sceptic, remember) I highly recommend the MMS and particularly Julia and I’ll happily give her permission to give out my number to anyone wanting my opinion straight from the horses mouth. Lastly, Julia helped me get out of an extremely painful and damaging situation, which I didn’t even know I was in. Julia saw and then she figured out a way to help me, for which I am eternally grateful.