JHB: Empower Thyself Class & Initiation

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September 6, 2014 @ 8:00 am – September 7, 2014 @ 5:00 pm
Magical Beginnings
Kyalami Boulevard
Midrand, 1684
South Africa
Julia Tiffin
+27 84 680 6029

Empower Thyself Class & Initiation - Julia TiffinEmpower Thyself Class & Initiation


The Empower Thyself Program brings you to a higher level of self-knowledge and the empowerment that comes with the ancient mystery teachings held within the Lineage of King Salomon. This program is filled with proven techniques that enlighten the mind, transform the soul, and give you tools you can use daily to more effectively create more of what you want in your life.


By the end of the program, you will receive a physical initiation by a Certified Guide within the Lineage of King Salomon. This ceremony is performed in the original oral tradition dating back more than 3000 years. This initiation makes the receiver eligible to continue with further study with the Modern Mystery School.



This 2 Day Program includes:

  1. Initiation into the Lineage of King Salomon
  2. Ancient rituals for empowerment and protection
  3. Sanctuary Meditation Technique
  4. Introduction to the Universal Kabbalah
  5. The structure of the Cosmology (Universe)
  6. The anatomy of human energy and the aura
  7. The structure and higher functions of the mind
  8. Definition and exploration of the Spiritual Sense


Prerequisite – A Life Activation done by a certified Life Activation Practitioner.

Price: R3000 – Includes 2 days of instruction, lunches, full color manual, and registration with The Modern Mystery School

For more information click here