Full Moon Meditation with Archangel Tzaphkiel ONLINE

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September 27, 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm
Zoom online. RSVP for link latest 15 mins before start of meditation.
£15, £20 regular price
Julia Tiffin

Full Moon Meditation with Archangel Tzaphkiel

Meditations with the Archangels can bring huge clarity of mind and healing!

The Archangels are designed to serve you & support you to find your true essence & live a life of joy and creation. Archangel Tzaphkiel has many areas where he can support you! It is impossible to experience all of his energy in one meditation!

Archangel Tzaphkiel can assist you with many things in this meditation including [PART 1]:

  1. Help you to unlock joy as you release unexpressed sorrow
  2. Help you to see deeply into yourself and the people around you to gain depth and understanding
  3. Connect you more easily to your spiritual practice
  4. And more

You will be connected to the essence of Archangel Tzaphkiel and have a deeper understanding & connection to call upon this Archangel in your daily life.

Regular price: £20

SPECIAL price: £15 until Monday 25 September

Where: Online on Zoom. Once you have booked and paid, a Zoom link will be sent to you!


11-12.15am (Pacific Time)
12 noon-1.15pm (Mountain Time)
1-2.15pm (Central Time)
2-3.15 (Eastern Time)
7-8.15pm GMT+1 (London, Lisbon)
8-9.15pm GMT+2 (Cape Town, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Berlin, Stockholm)
9-10.15pm GMT+3 (Kampala)
10-11.15pm GMT+4 (Dubai)

Monthly Meditations with the Angels

Join the journey to live a life supported by Angels

The Angels and Archangels are all around you … Their mission is to be of service to humans, to partner with you and to co-create with you so you can receive the support & energy you need. The Angels are literally hanging around you waiting to serve, but the key is: you need to ask for help! The meditations with the Angels (monthly, usually around Full Moon) will align you to some of these Angels, and help to build the awareness that you are not alone, and that you can reach out consciously whenever you need help!

Every month there will be the opportunity to work with a different Angel: perhaps an Archangel that can bring you clarity and power in your life, or one of the billions of Angels all around us that are waiting to serve! Stay tuned for the updates for which Angel or Archangel wants to serve in a particular month, and let’s keep expanding the team who can assist you!