Meditation with Archangel Uriel
Meditations with the Archangels can bring huge clarity of mind and healing!
The Archangels are designed to serve you & support you to find your true essence & live a life of joy and creation.
Archangel Uriel’s name means ‘Light or Fire of GOD’ & this Archangel brings an amazing amount of LIGHT into any space. With this light you can SEE things you need to see with an impartial eye and without emotional noise. This light purifies our being!
You will be connected to an essence of Archangel Uriel so that you can connect with & utilize this Archangel in your daily life.
Come & enjoy this intense energy & be cleansed by Uriel’s Light!
Early bird price: £15 payment by Thursday 1 September 2022
Regular price: £20 payment after Friday 2 September 2022
Where: Online on Zoom. As soon as you have booked and paid, a Zoom link will be sent to you straight away!