Via Laietana
45, 3-1, 08002, Barcelona
Have you ever wished you could wake up and know you are God?
Maybe it hasn’t even occurred to you that you could be a divine being. In either case, this Sacred Geometry class will bring you one step closer to the full realisation of your divine essence.
Here you will learn how to use sacred geometry to activate sacred space for living and working in your daily life. These tools create better energetic space where you can thrive and function optimally, allowing you to access positive, creative energy. These tools are a game-changer for productivity, enthusiasm and motivation, especially for those of us who work from home! You will also learn how to create a sacred Temple with Sacred Geometry.
To receive this training you first need to receive the Life Activation (special discounted pricing of $220 (about 200€) is available for those who have yet to receive a Life Activation for this class). The Life Activation opens your consciousness.
Note: A $55 (about 50 €) discount is applied to the total investment if you take both Sacred Geometry and Sacred Geometry II and Crystal Magick using the code: PYRAMID
Investment of $137.00 is approximately 125 €.