Julia Tiffin’s practice is dedicated to helping you find the gold within …
The tools that are used within a one-to-one session or handed down within a class, are time tested from a tradition that is over 3000 years old. These tools have borne fruit and yielded significant results in people’s lives and are now available to the general public so that we can attain excellence in life.
Some of the main questions in people’s lives are: Who am I? and What is my purpose? And of course we all want better relationships, love, success, abundance … and how do we attain that? In many ways, though, we are looking for something even simpler: in ancient alchemical texts, the gold we are looking for has been referred to as ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’.
… But WHAT is that?
It is J O Y! Joy is a state of being, it is something we attain when we have cleared away the outdated ideas, old emotions and antique belief systems we carry around like a dog with a juicy bone. It is a well of energy, a spring inside you, that you reach once you have come to a place of deeper knowing: who you are and what you are here to do. And no matter what you experience in life – all the possible hardships or celebrations, joy remains a constant source in your life and what you take with you throughout the journey in your life.
This is the true GOLD WITHIN.
… Welcome to Julia’s practice, and reaching your potential within!
About Julia Tiffin
Julia is a Modern Mystery School Speciality Teacher working globally to share ancient teachings to help you find your unique you & your navigational system within to live your most fulfilled life. She has trained since 2004 within the Modern Mystery School and specialises in the ancient arts of Healing & Sacred Geometry. She has a background as an international Fine Art photographer, exhibiting internationally and lecturing at tertiary institutions in South Africa.
Find out more: https://juliatiffin.com and http://drawingwithlight.co.za
Instagram: juliatiffin
Facebook: Julia Tiffin’s Practice
Pinterest: Julia Tiffin’s Practice