PAssion PASSION paSSion ..

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Soul on FireI have observed so many people not knowing that they can live life with passion as a guiding force. And not knowing why this is so important.

So what is Passion?

Passion is FIRE … it is the SPARK that keeps us alive. Passion is the voice of spirit talking through us leading us to where we need to go to live a fulfilled life.

Following your heart is literally the same as living a life of passion. The fire of the soul talks to us through the heart and tells us what to do next for our soul’s progression in life.


light my fire

Being rational is the enemy of the soul’s fire. Using your mind for what it was designed to do can direct this passion like a laser tool and focus you to fulfill this passion. But we have to learn the difference between the intellectual mind that needs to reason everything and the higher intelligence of the mind.

Knowing the difference is key.

Just for today, take a quiet moment, and go inside yourself into a deep quiet place and ask yourself what you really want to do?

It is not always important to receive an answer immediately, <but from the teachings of the Universal Kabbalah>, train your mind to help you to answer your own questions by first starting to ask the right questions.

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About Julia Tiffin

Julia is a Modern Mystery School Speciality Teacher working globally to share ancient teachings to help you find your unique you & your navigational system within to live your most fulfilled life. She has trained since 2004 within the Modern Mystery School and specialises in the ancient arts of Healing & Sacred Geometry. She has a background as an international Fine Art photographer, exhibiting internationally and lecturing at tertiary institutions in South Africa.

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