The Magick of Gardening

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This morning I woke up with a start … an incredible light was streaming into my bedroom: the beauty of the spring sun was lighting up Table Mountain and reflecting back into my bedroom …

And my first thought was of my little garden: ‘It is time to weed my garden and make it beautful again’.

A little while ago, Rolene Sher of Taxi Radio asked me to follow up our radio interview with a very specific article. In our discussion, we shared a beautiful conversation on ‘Magick’ – what it really is and how natural and intrinsic it is to the very act of being alive and being human!

We spoke about how Magick was applicable to Rolene’s favourite topic, which is raw food and natural living. I shared with her the magick of growing plants – how the very energy used to grow plants and the very way we cook and prepare food can be performed as a magickal act, and that food prepared in this way can literally heal us. One only has to think of the stories of ‘mom’s chicken soup’ and how that has nourished people back to health. I feel so much better when someone has added their special magickal ingredients coming from their own soul into a meal.

Magick is really just taking something and transforming it into something else: take a simple meal designed only to give you the necessary fuel for your body, add some love & positive intent and you have a meal that will not just give you fuel but restore your body and soul back to health!

red_apple621‘Eating’ is not all about nourishing our bodies with nutrients and enzymes received from eating the food itself – the very process of SEEING that delicious RED apple is a huge part of what nourishes us and gives us energy in our day-to-day life!

We literally ‘eat’ and absorb the colour RED and it heals and shifts our emotions, thoughts and consciousness.

So perhaps you need some PURPLE today, maybe some YELLOW, ORANGE, GREEN, BROWN or even WHITE. These colours are frequencies that feel our soul.

Everyday experiences of life are so profound and magickal and we need to open our eyes to embrace this physical life as the most profound adventure we have ever had the privilege to embrace! (Thanks to Tyler Tolman and his lecture on the ‘Doctrine of Signatures’ which explained what actually happens in the process of eating before food even reaches our stomachs!)

In addition to this, there is also a huge team of unseen beings that are dedicated to awakening us to the magick of living and the true potential of being human!

There is a specific Archangelic Host who has an office of beings dedicated only to green living. They are known as God’s Gardeners. And this is the Office of Archangel Barakiel. (More knowledge about these Angelic beings is handed down in Empower Thyself Class & Initiation).

In the middle of our crazy modern day lives lived inside the walls of Facebook, iPhones, iPads, and however we form our new modern technological universe … I am yanked out of my bed to … yes, to garden! The importance of this Angelic host is so great because it is critical we start to work again with our hands in the soil and become aware of green living as a key part of our personal progression here on the planet. I had arrived home after quite a few connections on different planes, and was cranky for over a day when I received an email sent to the leadership team I work on, with information Gabriel Cousens had sent to help us cope better with travelling. One of the key things he recommends is to make sure your bare feet touch the soil after flying, so you can return to a place of homeostasis within your body. I weeded my garden for over an hour on this beautiful spring morning and felt fantastic afterwards!

Whilst we are moving into a life of rapid communication and transformation of culture through technology, it is also time to hit the garden.

Our fingers have been softened by working on soft-touch keyboards and touch screens, but it is now time to get them digging into the soil and touching the land. (And no, don’t cheat and use gloves, touch the plants and the soil, get those beautifully manicured hands into the belly of the earth.)

It is time to awaken our bodies to true health – working with our hands, watching the magick of growing plants, and then nourishing our vessels with the life force of Mother Earth. How else are we going to thrive in this rapidly changing climate if we are not boosting our own sacred vessel with the magick of eating the pure life force of energy from plants! And the very act of creating even a mini garden (like I have) or working in it, is part of what nourishes your body, soul and mind to greater mental, emotional and spiritual health.

I have little doubt many people on the planet today have had thoughts of trying out some gardening, whether on a balcony or a tiny patch of earth or land that has been ignored. The Office of Archangel Barakiel has been working hard to awaken humans to natural living, eating organic food and even considering creating their own garden. And if it has not happened yet … I have no doubt you will receive that itch to move towards green living soon! So call upon Archangel Barakiel to assist and support you so you can thrive with green living and create a personal garden for your life.

This article is based on the applied Spiritual Training that has been handed down in an ancient lineage of teachings stored in The Modern Mystery School  – an ancient school with open doors for modern times. Julia Tiffin has been training since 2004 in this sacred tradition and offers you teachings to greatly enhance your everyday life and also to reach those high notes of personal empowerment and fulfilling your purpose.  

About Julia Tiffin

Julia is a Modern Mystery School Speciality Teacher working globally to share ancient teachings to help you find your unique you & your navigational system within to live your most fulfilled life. She has trained since 2004 within the Modern Mystery School and specialises in the ancient arts of Healing & Sacred Geometry. She has a background as an international Fine Art photographer, exhibiting internationally and lecturing at tertiary institutions in South Africa.

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